Creating safer roads for today and tomorrow.

Intuitive Camera

The system is recording constantly. When a violation occurs, a simple button sends off the recording.

User Friendly App

Personal camera opertaor profiles that allows the sytem to upload videos and photos.

Back Office System

Manage recordings, pictures, and violation information from one all in one dashboard

About iWitness

Our patented technology allows law enforcement, governments and communities officials to have additional traffic monitoring throughout the roads and highways. Our patented device is placed inside of designated monitoring vehicles that are able to intuitively report traffic violations. This in turn creates a safer environment for everyone.

Our Mission:

Save Lives

To reduce the amount of crashes on roadways, in work zones and pedestrian and school areas

Save Time

Save law enforcement, governments and communities officials time, by making an easier way for them to issue citations

Improve Safety

Invoke a lasting effect of safer driving on the roads, by holding drivers accountable

A Closer Look

A closer look at some traffic statistics from 2019.

US Car Accident Statistics (2019)

There were an estimated 6,756,000 police-reported traffic crashes
There were 33,244 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States

US Large Truck Accident Statistics (2019)

510,000 police-reported crashes involving large trucks
There were 33,244 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States
4,479 (1 percent) fatal crashes
114,000 (29 percent) injury crashes

* All data is curated from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

Texas Large Truck Accident Statistics (2019)

Trucks involved in fatal crashes: 658
Total vehicles involved in fatal crashes: 5,208
Large truck occupants killed in crashes: 146
114,000 (29 percent) injury crashes
Large truck occupants killed in crashes: 146
Non-occupants (bicyclist, pedestrians) killed in trucking-related crashes: 73